Miyerkules, Pebrero 24, 2016

Comparison And Contrast: High School VS College

Just Once.....

                          "School is something that you learn, reading and writing. Education is what you learn from the family, from the environment, from the community"- School Facts. Missing your friends and what they do after the class is over. Hanging out at the quadrangle with your friends. Having fun while eating your lunch. Even your teacher who is so close to you. But you should know that the school is a place where you can learn new things and adopt it to your life.

                           High school and College is a way of studying for your future. Both of the teacher or professor give quizzes and test that you should study so that you can pass. Attendance is a must because you cannot learn if you're not going to attend the class. Some of the subjects are the same but in college it is just more complicated than high school. Have both clubs that you can joins because it is fit in your interest. 

                          I started a novel back in high school. It wasn't very good. It was the opposite of good. The writing itself wasn't too bad, and the characters were interesting. But the story was a mess, and it was full of fantasy cliches. In high school the teacher give you some time to take notes while in college you deal with your professor. You should take note of what the professor is teaching because he/ she will not give you time to take note when she is done discussing it. In high school your all class is in only one room while in college you have to transfer from room to another room another to attend your schedule because every subject have their own room so you have to deal with it. Or else you want to get a failing grade. 

                          In high school, the teacher control the students in all the activities such as events, while in college have more freedom to control themselves in a responsible way because the teacher know that the student know what they are doing. Whatever they do will reflect on their grades. The schedule in high school is set by their administration while in college, the student get to what their schedule would be. If it is going to be morning classes or evening classes. 

                          Thinking of all the differences between high school and college I realize that they really have nothing much in common. Besides the fact that they are both forms of education, they have completely different environments; high school prepares you for the hard work ahead in college, and college prepares you for new challenges as an adult. It is a place where you must study because your future depends on you. The actions that you made and you will make will reflect on your personality. An action comes with a great responsibility. You'll regret it in the end if you didn't do it in a responsible way. College is also a place where students can experience what is it like to live on their own and to take responsibility for their own actions.


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